Gee , has everybody found a solution for Restless Leg Smydrome ? It's been so long since a post I was wondering.
Ken still does the jumping. He has been a bit better since I had surgery. He is afraid he will hurt me. He isn't WELL,but won't even tell me what's going on. I think he is fretting about getting old. ~ ~ It happens to the best of us if we are lucky.
What meds. Have been helpful? Share with us, OK?
Take care all, Jo
Ken still does the jumping. He has been a bit better since I had surgery. He is afraid he will hurt me. He isn't WELL,but won't even tell me what's going on. I think he is fretting about getting old. ~ ~ It happens to the best of us if we are lucky.
What meds. Have been helpful? Share with us, OK?
Take care all, Jo
