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January 2025 chitchat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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    January 2025 chitchat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    It may already be 2025 where you are. Reminisce or look forward or live in the moment--your choice. Or all of the above. Or none of the above.

    This place was a beehive of activity years ago. What happened to all of those people? Some check in now and again. Maybe others will be inclined to do that too.

    Let BrainTalk know your news. What is going on in your life? How have you been feeling?

    SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2001-2004. Copaxone 2006-2009. Glatopa (glatiramer acetate = Copaxone) 12/20 - 3/19/24.

    Happy New Year!


      Thanks for starting us off with a 2025 festive look, Agate.

      So, what's going on with you Tim.
      Chris, good to see you still with us. I still don't know if it was a cat or a dog under your Christmas tree.

      Hi Jingle, how are you celebrating New Year's Day? Did you eat out again?

      It has gotten really cold here. At least more gas was delivered yesterday so I can sit by my fireplace. I like to wait until evening to turn my gas logs on, but after that I hate to get up for anything. It is supposed to get colder every day this week. I think there is a possibility of snow this weekend.

      I didn't know grapes were dangerous for dogs to eat. Sunday, my brother was eating some grapes out of the refrigerator. His miniature Aussie dog was standing by him and because she likes cold things he gave her one. His laptop was close by and just for the heck of it he looked up if grapes were good for dogs. He found that it was poisonous to them. His vet was closed on Sunday and he found an emergency vet who was open over close to me. He grabbed her up and brought her over here. The vet was calling the hot line and everything. He finally told him it would be 48 hours before he knew for certain that she was alright. The 48 hours was not up until today. I haven't heard from him today, so I sure hope she is alright. His two dogs are family.



        Happy New Year to you all. I had a good Christmas , but yesterday I was asleep for most of it. My sleep hygiene has never been A1. and last 6-8 weeks I've been averaging about 4 hours sleep a night. It caught up with me big time yesterday.
        Yet inside there is this perpetual nagging doubt;
        the feeling we are possessed by a 'subtle lack of togetherness''.


          I didn't know that about dogs and grapes either, Virginia. I've heard that chocolate is toxic to cats (and maybe dogs too--I can't remember). I hope the dog will be all right. It sounds as if a large enough dog could manage one grape, and some breeds find grapes less toxic than other breeds.

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          SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2001-2004. Copaxone 2006-2009. Glatopa (glatiramer acetate = Copaxone) 12/20 - 3/19/24.


            Hi Virginia, I sure hope your brother's dog is OK. Our pets are so precious to us.


              She is alright from the grape, thank goodness. In the morning both his dogs will be very upset. He has to take them to the kennel and will be leaving them for 11 days. That is the longest he has ever left them. I think he is more upset than they are. He and wife and two grown children are going to Hawaii for 11 days. This is compliments of the PGA. His son that died was due to play in a tournament over there so they invited the family. I just hope they have a good trip, more importantly I hope they have a safe trip. I'll just be glad when they get safely home.


                Hawaii would be a good place to be in January. I hope they can enjoy their trip, and the dogs will survive the kennel. I had to put a cat in a boarding situation (at a vet's) a couple of times, and it wasn't all the comforts of home, but they did get through it. One came back with a new habit of meowing a lot, which she'd never done before, but she got over it pretty soon.
                SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2001-2004. Copaxone 2006-2009. Glatopa (glatiramer acetate = Copaxone) 12/20 - 3/19/24.


                  It's good to hear that the dog is OK. I wonder how many pet owners have anywhere near a good idea of what foods are bad for their pets.
                  Yet inside there is this perpetual nagging doubt;
                  the feeling we are possessed by a 'subtle lack of togetherness''.


                    Yes, that's probably the way it is. I'd had cats for many years before I learned that there are a lot of plants that are toxic for cats--a very long list of common ones. So many cats try to nibble at houseplants.

                    And for ages it's been traditional to offer milk to any cat but now they're saying that many adult cats can't tolerate it though kittens apparently can.
                    SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2001-2004. Copaxone 2006-2009. Glatopa (glatiramer acetate = Copaxone) 12/20 - 3/19/24.


                      Cold - cold - cold -- Oh, it's cold this morning - 16* right now and it won't get over 20* today. And the snow is still so deep there is no hope for me getting out today. Thank goodness I don't need anything. And thank goodness there is no power outage around here. I sure hope everyone else is warm and has what they need.


                        Hope you can stay warm, jingle!
                        SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2001-2004. Copaxone 2006-2009. Glatopa (glatiramer acetate = Copaxone) 12/20 - 3/19/24.


                          That is truly cold Jingle. It is due to get down to 22 here tonight. I haven't been out in ages. My gas logs went out Friday night. I can't get the pilot light back on because I can't kneel on the floor. It takes two hands. The gas people can't get anyone out here until the 15th of the month. Thank goodness I have heat. There is another front due in this weekend.


                            As I was writing the above post, I had a text from a niece. She saw something on the Golf Channel about "A Celebration of Life" ceremony being held in Hawaii for my deceased nephew. I was was sorry I missed it. I did read an article in
                            Golfweek about it. There were a couple of pictures of my family over there. I think they formally announced the beginning of the foundation that was set up in my nephews name. My brother said in the article it was very emotional, but there was a lot of pride.


                              Oh Virginia, such a difficult time for your family and reason for pride and joy,


                              • Virginia
                                Virginia commented
                                Editing a comment
                                Thank you Jingle